May 21, 2018

The Next Generation Of Campaign Reporting In Movio Cinema

One of Movio’s core principles is to ensure that our clients can measure the success of their campaigns, understanding how their audiences behave over time and allowing them to continually test and learn from their marketing campaigns. Over time it became clear to us that as the needs of modern, data-driven cinema marketing evolve, we needed to make campaign reports even more insightful.

We redesigned our campaign reports to make it easier to understand and visualize how different moviegoer segments are influenced by your campaigns. We also wanted to make it easier to assess whether a specific campaign outperformed the average campaign over the previous 12 months.

What are we changing?

We set out to make Movio Cinema’s campaign reporting module more intuitive, insightful, and actionable. Here are some of the key changes we’ve made to campaign reports:

  • Simplified user interface - our new user interface is cleaner and easier  to navigate, reducing the time required to assess the performance of a campaign.
  • Filters - we’ve added filters which allow you to analyze your results for a particular sub-segment or member view. Not everyone reacts to each campaign in the same way, and by analyzing sub segments you can determine whether one group of offer recipients drove a disproportionate amount of the campaign’s results.
  • Comparison of key metrics - We’ve introduced averages for many metrics so that you can see how this campaign performed against the average of previous campaigns from the past 12 months.
  • New metrics - one question that many cinema marketers regularly ask us is whether online ticket purchases impact the purchase of concessions in store? So, we’ve introduced a new concept in financial reports called a ‘visit’ to better understand what a moviegoer does when they visit your cinema.  

A 'visit' is a collection of all the transactions a moviegoer makes for a particular session. For example, Michelle buys two tickets on Monday for a Friday screening of Avengers: Infinity War for $30. Then on Friday, when Michelle arrives at the theater, she purchases two popcorns and a drink for $25. All of these transactions are grouped together into one visit with a total spend of $55. This is different to our previous approach where we would treat these as two separate transactions with an average spend of $27.50.

How to use these new metrics to show campaign effectiveness

To confidently understand whether an offer-based campaign motivated incremental behavior or expenditure, you must use Movio's control group functionality. This functionality randomly removes a percentage of the target group and does not send them the campaign. If you do not use a control group, campaign reports will have no data to display as a baseline against which to calculate incremental results.

By comparing those who received an offer to those similar members who did not, you can easily assess the impact of the campaigns to statistically-significant degrees of confidence and margins of error, allowing you to continuously improve your activities.

In summary

Movio’s reporting overhaul project has allowed us to build a platform for further, ongoing campaign reporting enhancements. This is just the beginning of our reporting journey!

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