Nov 17, 2020

Movio’s New Knowledge Base And The Power Of Self-Service

Self-service shows clear and proven benefits for clients who enjoy a more autonomous workflow. We weighed up these benefits and developed a knowledge base that will not only answer questions, but help our clients get the most out of Movio Cinema along the way. Our new help tool means we can be even more responsive to all of our clients’ needs. We can be here for you now and with a single click.

The Knowledge Base was created because we know that a fast response time is one of the most important factors in user satisfaction. The emergence of this new tool doesn’t mean that you’ll miss out on any aspect of your established relationship with your Movio Account Manager, our client-facing team will continue to work and collaborate with you to make sure you get the best version of Movio Cinema to support you to connect every moviegoer with their ideal movie.

What is our Knowledge Base and why should you use it?

In 2020, self-service is a more popular concept than ever before. It’s a convenient way to address service or product usability questions smoothly, quickly, and efficiently. A 2015 study showed that the majority of consumers prefer using self-service on a website to speaking with a representative or chat bot. Tech-savvy users want to find their own answers first.

At Movio, we’ve created a knowledge base to empower clients to get the help they need even faster. Not only are all of our resources collected in a single space, but the search function is intuitive and simple to use. This new system is able to provide instant answers so that you’re able to troubleshoot common roadblocks with ease, learn more about our features and how they work, and build your skills within the console, whether you’re a new user or a console regular.

Benefits of Movio’s new Knowledge Base

Some of the key advantages of our newest tool are:

  • Faster & easier access: Whether it’s product information, FAQs, or Troubleshooting you’re looking for, the Knowledge Base delivers answers in seconds. The search function uses keywords that produce all of the relevant entries for you.
  • Going beyond a user manual: More than just a user manual, the Knowledge Base provides best practices. Use it to easily try out a new feature like Dynamic Subject Lines or optimize your campaigns for lower spam rates.
  • Help right when you need it: If you have a pressing query outside of work hours or aren’t able to wait for an email response, then you can consult the Knowledge Base for instantaneous support. Additionally, any small questions that come up as you work can be addressed without a separate email or call.
  • Great user experience: All of our resources are in one place, making the Knowledge Base a one stop shop for a variety of different questions and topics. Furthermore, it’s always accurate with the most up-to-date information.

Where can you find the new tool?

There are several entry points for how Movio Cinema clients can find the new tool. In the console you can either click the ‘?’ in the menu bar which takes you directly to the new Knowledge Base or use the ‘Find Answer' button on the bottom of each page. The latter provides a quick search function within the console where you can use keywords like “member views”, “control group”, or “recognitions”. You’ll then see a list of top results that pertain to your search.


Just the beginning

Self-service is one of many innovative ways to further automate a client’s workflow, allowing them to more easily get the help they need. It is a rich resource that can troubleshoot, advise, and deliver the newest information as quickly as possible. The new Movio Knowledge Base is designed to be a living platform that will evolve and grow with additional content over time. We view this tool as a way to enhance your relationship with our client-facing team as you deliver the best experience possible to your moviegoers.

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