Oct 16, 2023

Providing Unique Audience Analysis for the Cinema Industry with Weekend Insights

Understanding moviegoing audiences is invaluable in determining how to most effectively market movies. For both studios and exhibitors, seeing audience composition and behaviour analysis provides the most accurate representation of future moviegoing attendance to plan and execute on effective movie marketing.

For several years, the Movio Research platform has provided the industry with the most definitive and comprehensive demographic and behavioural insights into moviegoing audiences.

While Movio Research delivers detailed and comprehensive views of both historical and near real-time data, Movio have also provided the wider film industry with our moviegoer insights in a timely view of audiences for the top films at the box office every week with Weekend Insights.

Covering the top film choices for moviegoer segments every weekend, Movio’s Weekend Insights previously broke down audiences by two core demographic elements: age (divided by generation) and gender.

Now, we are adding even more valuable data points. With the latest update to these weekly analyses, we are expanding the elements of Weekend Insights with new data points and features, including much-demanded moviegoer frequency data insights, genre breakdowns, and new & improved visualisations and filtering.

Not only are we introducing these new elements, but we are expanding these insights to new regions with UK data for weekly dedicated UK audience breakdowns.

Weekend Insights combines filterable moviegoer data to better understand audiences for each film.

Every week, you can find a quick, high-level overview of the moviegoing audiences for the weekend’s biggest box office films. With additional easy-to-use filtering options and comprehensive data, Weekend Insights now provides the option to drill down into individual titles for more in-depth analysis, and to segment audience data by age, gender, or frequency. If you want to see the gender breakdown specifically for Gen X attendees of this week’s top film, all it takes is a few easy clicks.

Moviegoer frequency has long been a key component in understanding audience behaviour, and with the latest updates to Weekend Insights, moviegoer frequency is now highlighted for the past week’s top titles.

Weekend Insights is available now, and updated every week to empower the entire industry with timely moviegoer analysis to better know what audiences films are resonating with.

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