Case Study
Sep 2, 2019

Epic Cinemas

Epic had to bring the people to them, and to make that happen, they needed current content.

Epic Cinemas’ first cinema was located at the Sun City Casino Resort. It was the only cinema in a community where the greater area, Pilanesberg National Park, had a population of 500,000. So, Epic had to bring the people to them, and to make that happen, they needed current content.

“After taking over Epic Cinemas in October 2013, I immediately switched to digital. No more 35mm film, only the latest movies in crystal clear clarity, and that was just the beginning,” says owner Danie Van der Merwe.

Epic could now show new releases at the same time as metropolitan cinemas. Attendances rose 50% on previous years, and customers loved the quality and new content… word spread.

Next, Danie installed Veezi. Having used Vista (the creators of Veezi) at Nu Metro, Danie knew he could trust Veezi.

Now, with his cinema running efficiently, he has time to concentrate on delivering the magic experience he always longed for, one he’s constantly reviewing and adding to. “I despaired over the modern-day cinema landscape, where everything is becoming mechanical and people are being pushed through. I want my customers to experience the magic of the cinema, one that matches the magic of the movie—just like it used to be.”

Since launching Veezi in Sun City, Epic Cinemas have expanded to four locations in South Africa and one in Namibia. They also operate an open-air cinema, using a pop-up outdoor screen to run film festivals, outdoor movie series, and corporate events.

“And the beauty of it is, while living in Joburg, I can manage my cinemas remotely via the cloud. Even last-minute, unexpected scheduling changes, like a late DCP delivery” says Danie.

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