Case Study
Sep 1, 2019


Peckhamplex used Vista until late 2015 when Vista suggested they simplify and move to Veezi. So they did, and soon discovered it was all they needed to run their independent cinema.

Peckhamplex is located in Peckham, a student area where money is tight. Geoff took a gamble using Facebook and Twitter to introduce a £4.99 ticket to attract customers. The reaction was, “WOW lets go, it’s only £5 a ticket!” And they started coming. Geoff’s strategy paid off.

“Our retro theatre doesn’t have all the mod cons, but people don’t complain; they’d pay £11 a ticket elsewhere. Charge full price and we wouldn’t be booked out. The distributors were doubtful at first, but not now. They get a better return as we get more people into the theatre, and we make more money from the food and beverage sales. It’s a win-win!” explains Geoff.

Now customers can book online, and Geoff can log on via the cloud to see if a show is going to sell out or not. If a weekend is looking busy, he can roster an extra manager. If it looks quiet, he can reduce staff. It all helps with budgeting his payroll.

“Veezi is easy to learn, particularly the Concessions tab. Up it pops, you can refresh the tills, change the colors and add in an item in two to three easy steps. Push save and you are set.”

Geoff is happy: “Hands down, Veezi is what I need. It is reliable, and I can plan and act whether I am in the office or not.”

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