May 23, 2017

Using Personalized Rewards To Encourage Loyalty

Everybody loves a reward - especially if it’s something you really want! Delivering personalized rewards that your loyalty members will actually use doesn’t have to be mind-boggling, and ‘loyalty codes’ in Movio Cinema, or ‘recognitions’ in Vista’s Loyalty, eliminate the guesswork. Forget about the “batch and blast” method of sending out marketing campaigns with gifts attached, and actually target your offers to loyalty members who will appreciate and use them.

What are loyalty codes in Movio Cinema?

Loyalty codes are personalized rewards, set up as ‘recognitions’ in Vista’s Loyalty, that you can gift to your loyalty members - not to be confused with Loyalty Points that accumulate over time. When a member has received a recognition, there will be a code added to their account that translates to a particular gift, such as a popcorn size upgrade or free movie ticket.

You may set up a range of different codes that correspond to different rewards, such as ‘2for1StandardTickets’ for a free movie ticket or ‘freeSmallPopcorn’ for complimentary popcorn, ready to be used across your campaigns. For example, you could send a campaign with a free movie ticket to everyone in your database celebrating a birthday on that day. The movie ticket code (e.g. ‘BirthdayTicket123’) would be added to their account, and the corresponding gift would be presented by the POS operator at the movie theater once the guest swiped their loyalty card.

It’s important to consider the lifecycle of your loyalty members and how to use loyalty codes to either welcome, reward or win them back in a relevant and personalized manner to make sure your recognition has the maximum impact.

Why you should be using personalized rewards

We’ve all received an email offering us a freebie we’d never be interested in. It can be off-putting to say the least - and occasionally offensive! - so it’s important we don’t fall into the same trap with our loyalty members. Treating them as individuals should be general practice nowadays, despite the perceived difficulty of doing so when you’re sending out thousands of emails each day to a vast database.

If the consumer-centricity aspect of personalized rewards isn’t enough for you to consider making a few changes, perhaps the increase in return will. By offering small, relevant incentives to members to get them back into your cinema, you are putting them in prime position to be exposed to your other marketing efforts in-store - which can all result in higher engagement and spend.

How to implement personalized rewards

Movio Cinema has a unique set of data including member profile, member transaction history, email interactions, and even third party data (i.e. members online behavior or social media interactions). As transactions are measured in near real-time, we know exactly what your loyalty members enjoy, who they are and how to target them - which all contribute to personalized campaigns and rewards.

Combining your loyalty system with the customer data in Movio Cinema allows for some unique use cases. With so much trackable data available to refine your marketing, sending targeted campaigns is incredibly simple. A few campaign examples to try would be:

  • New members: Welcoming a new loyalty member is very important, and should be triggered automatically on the day of sign-up. Depending on the type of program a member has joined, you could apply a free ticket or discounted concession item to encourage their return.
  • Special treats: If you have a premium loyalty program, showing appreciation to those guests should be a priority. Treat loyalty members on a particular tier to a special screening - they’ll appreciate the VIP treatment.
  • Win-back: Locate loyalty members in your database who have not transacted in the last three months, and provide them with an incentive to return, such as a seat upgrade. It’s a lot easier to regain a current guest’s loyalty than to start fresh with a new member.

In summary

By personalizing your customer rewards based off actual member data and actions, you’ll be able to target your campaigns and measure their success post-campaign. ‘Loyalty codes’ in Movio Cinema empower marketers to provide gifts your loyalty members will really appreciate - and that sort of customized guest experience is what will keep your customers coming back.

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